πŸ… TO-ma-TO, to-MA-to

I say πŸ…, you say πŸ…. Our tomato yield is enormous this year! Late November –just before Thanksgiving, I harvested another bucket load of ripe tomatoes. Bucket number 9 for the season.

πŸ… TO-ma-TO, to-MA-to

I say πŸ…, you say πŸ…. Our tomato yield is enormous this year! Late November –just before Thanksgiving, I harvested another bucket load of ripe tomatoes. Bucket number 9 for the season.

Another bucket of tomatoes

And there are still more tomatoes ripening on the vine. There is bound to be at least more bucket left. Honey was keen to keep me company as I picked tomatoes from the 3 beds we planted this year.

Honey keeping company during the πŸ… harvest

To prevent loss to mold, I immediately processed the harvest, starting with a water bath to rinse off the dirt from tomatoes that had fallen on the ground.

Rinsing fresh tomatoes

The one bucket fills our (deep) sink to the brim.

A sink full of tomatoes

Each washed tomato is then cut into chunks, chuck any bad parts and tossed the good chunks into the 16-quart stock pot we bought specifically to cook produce in bulk. It just fits.[1] Good to know that 1 bucket of tomatoes can be processed in 1 16qt pot.

16 qt of tomatoes

Next morning Tatyanna canned the sauce into 1qt jars. Thanks, Hon! Teamwork FTW

11 quarts of tomato sauce

All in all, we produced 48 quarts of tomato sauce so far. That should get us through the winter[2].

  1. The photo shows what fit before they cooked down. There was a little more which had to wait until there was enough space to add them. β†©οΈŽ

  2. Winter might be coming but it hasn't quite arrived yet. Today (Nov 30, '17) is sunny and mild (~20ΒΊC) again with no rain on the horizon.Β΅ β†©οΈŽ