🤠 Rodeo Roundup 2018 Week #5

🌕 Super Blue Blood Moon

I got a good view of the "Super Blue Blood Moon" driving to the bus pickup on Wednesday morning.

It was a "super moon", as the Moon was near to its closest distance to earth in its elliptical orbit, making it 7% larger in diameter or 14% larger in area than an average full moon.

The full moon of 31 January 2018 was the second full moon that calendar month, making it, under one definition of the term, a "blue moon".

The above picture of the moon over the Lick Observatory reminds me that we should visit it sometime.

🎓 Pioneer Academy Parent/Teacher conference

Casper and I attended a parent/teach conference at his school: Pioneer Academy. Together, we sat down with his 3 teachers at a picnic table in the sun. Each provided Casper with feedback on his academic growth. It was lovely to see how much they love Casper.

He is doing well in all subjects. His teacher Rob, will tutor him on Fridays to improve his writing. Casper has an amazing vocabulary and is very imaginative, but doesn't like the heinouslaborious act of writing. Rob will help him improve putting pen to paper and hopefully make writing as fun for Casper as reading is to him now.

🔌 Welding Class

Adam and I started our welding class at our local community college: Cabrillo College. We're both beginners and will be learning how to MIG and stick weld. While I have done some welding with the Hobart Handler 140 MIG Welder pictured above, there is a lot I have yet to learn. I want to get better before I do my first structural weld.

The first class was just safety, roll call and required personal safety gear. We both went out and got welding gloves. Let the welding begin!

💒 Joyce & Patty's Wedding

Our friends Joyce and Patty tied the knot after being partners for more than 20 years.[1] They had a lovely ceremony at the Center for Creative Living, a spiritual/metaphysical community located in the most unusual location.

It was especially fun to attend their wedding, since they officiated our wedding, back in 2000.

Photo by Jake Hill / Unsplash

  1. Since 1982 as Tatyanna pointed out in the comments. ↩ī¸Ž