🤠 Rodeo Roundup 2018 Week #28

👦 Casper returns from Montana. ⚜ Casper is off again to Camp Chawanakee

🤠 Rodeo Roundup 2018 Week #28

👦 Casper returns from Montana

Heidi returned with the grandkids on Wednesday after having flown up the Friday before. Tatyanna and I picked Casper up at Heidi's house in San Francisco Thursday evening after dinner at Google.

⚜ Casper is off again to Camp Chawanakee

Two days after Casper's return from Montana, we dropped him off at Troop #633 on Saturday morning at 8:30 to head out to Camp Chawanakee. Casper was a bit nervous since this was his first Scouting camp and he didn't know the other troop members very well.

Connecting with fellow scouts
Connecting with fellow scouts.
Packed to go
A scout is always prepared (and ready to go).
The troop's trailer
The troop's trailer with group equipment and room for the boys' backpacks.
Camp Chawanakee was founded on Shaver Lake in 1946  by a grant from the federal government, the Civilian Conservation Corps  and Southern California Edison Power Company. The first year of  operation was 1947. Camp Chawanakee has grown from a capacity of 100  Scouts and no facilities to today’s 4400 Scouts and Scouters with a  complete group of permanent facilities.  The new Lyles Lodge Dining Hall  opened in 2017 and plans are underway for a new training center and  first aid facility.
The camp operates nine one-week long sessions for the summer season  from June to August, accommodating 500+ Scouts and Adults in 23  campsites at a time, while simultaneously offering a family camping area  nearby.

Casper selected the following four merit badges to work on while at camp:

  • Sailing
  • Kayaking
  • Leather working
  • Riffle shooting